Home > Artworks > José Barbosa Aguayo

Photo of José Barbosa Aguayo Mexico

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Aguayo JosBarbosa nascent fifth Ameca Jalisco. From 1955 comes to live in Mexico City and then some time in Oaxaca and Malinalco. In 1972 the Emerald Josingresa where permaneci2 years and 3 years following in San Carlos. His teachers were Vzquez Ernesto Beltran, Antonio Trejo, Aceves Navarro, Antonio Ramirez and Ricardo Rocha. JosBarbosa had no need to switch the work of painting with the architectural draftsman. Currently...

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Aguayo JosBarbosa nascent fifth Ameca Jalisco. From 1955 comes to live in Mexico City and then some time in Oaxaca and Malinalco. In 1972 the Emerald Josingresa where permaneci2 years and 3 years following in San Carlos. His teachers were Vzquez Ernesto Beltran, Antonio Trejo, Aceves Navarro, Antonio Ramirez and Ricardo Rocha. JosBarbosa had no need to switch the work of painting with the architectural draftsman. Currently working as a teacher of drawing and painting at La Casa de Cultura Jess Reyes Heroles. In terms of exposures is concerned, has made 5 individual and 23 collective, all in Mexico.

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